
Main Street Market Exchange

Our Mission

Our Mission is to be the Premier Investment Matching Market Place for Main Street American’s limitless PLANS. We want to be the PLACE, the WAY, the METHODOLOGY, the PLATFORM – the NEW STOCK MARKET – to match and effectuate the Flow of Investment Capital…into American’s limitless Revenue Generating PLANS!

 Main Street Market Exchange – Your Marketplace

Your Investment Matching Marketplace. Your FULLY-DEVELOPED PLAN is just as important as the Elite Wall Street plans. The Main Street Market Exchange offers the WAY, the PLATFORM, The PLACE, the actual METHODOLOGY to Effectuate the Flow of Capital back to Main Street. Investment in American’s PLANS, Mentoring Americans, Sponsoring each other, Partnering when we can…What do you want to do? 

Take a look at our Intro-Video

Main Street Market Exchange

Our Core Values

Maximize Plan Value

Good PLANS are when both parties win; use proprietary methods to effectuate and close FULLY-DEVELOPED PLANS into profitable deals.

Take Aim At Your Targets

Set your efforts on your targets and deal genuinely and fairly with other people.

Practice Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the Cornerstone of Civilization. Or, at least, it should be.  Move forward and forgive.

Make Things Better

There’s always a better way. Focus your energy on Making Things Better.

Be a Fountain of Goodness.

In all tasks, do what is right. It doesn’t matter if opinions differ…It matters that you do it right.

Don’t Bear False Witness

Be clear and direct; but do not bear false witness. Build people up, don’t tear them down.

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The Main Street Market Exchange Believes In You!

Do you believe that Main Street (You & Me) ought to have an Investment Matching Marketplace that serves us, just like Wall Street has an Investment Market Place that serves it?

Do you believe that often times those with all the money, the power, and influence tend to do things that benefit them without regard for the rest of us?

Do you believe that each and every one of us ought to have access to the American Financial Dream in a Real and Concrete way?


I support the Main Street Market Exchange’s efforts. I support their Business Boot Camp efforts and their goal to FULLY-DEVELOP countless PLANS.

Leaders in their respective communities’ work with the Main Street Market Exchange to actively promote the FULLY-DEVELOPED PLANS and subsequent business that is generated by the Main Street Market Exchange’s activities. Act as Leaders to the countless PLANS and DEALS that result at the watering-hole of PLANS in their respective markets.

Defined Territories for Distributorships, Real Estate, and other Business Partnering; allows for Main Street folks to prosper. Access to Financial Capital and Mentoring Capital is equally important.

As friends of the MSME, I/We support the Main Street Market Exchange.

All-sizes of Businesses, Investment Banks, Government (GRANTS), and Billionaires…to Sponsor the Main Street Market Exchange on an ongoing basis. Enable activities in 100’s of USA cities to FULLY-DEVELOP countless PLANS of Americans. Sponsor Boot Camps, Encourage Mentorship, Work Together on Oline Initiatives, and Create Business Ownership. Your PLAN and My PLAN are equally important. Main Street supports Wall Street activities. The big guys need to support Main Street. Let’s work together.

Mentoring is a key Cornerstone of the Main Street Market Exchange. Mentors team-up with aspiring entrepreneurs and business folks.

5,300 USA Commercial Banks manage all of our money. Government provides back-stop, tax breaks, and countless advantages to banks. The Main Street Market Exchange wants USA Banks to consider supporting and encouraging Main Street Market Exchange’s initiatives; Sponsor its Boot Camps, its Online Activities, and its efforts to invest in, and FULLY-DEVELOP, American’s PLANS.

These photos (below) are just a few examples of other people’s PLANS. (Go to the Fully Developed Plans Page to see more).

Construction-Cleaning and Residential-Moving

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Remote Computer Cleaning-Support


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Call Center

National Training Program-Specialty Insurance Sales 

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Food Catering  

Auto-Repair Garage

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Real Estate

Professional Sports Representation


Need help finding information? We’d love to hear from youPlease complete the form below and we’ll get back to you within 1–2 business days. 

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